SPF: Just a myth

Egypt© Kathryn Forbes 2009

I was an archaeologist working in Egypt to discover the ancient burial grounds. Now, we all know all the myths about those so-called curses that follow these tombs around. I have to say that I believe it is nothing but a load of old nonsense. Designed, I am sure, to stop people going in and looting the place for the treasure we all knew was buried beneath our feet.

The maps had all been studied and I knew exactly where I wanted to go digging. It was not one of the pyramids because I was not looking for one of those pharaohs. Instead, my goal was to find the burial site of a noble.

The only thing I wanted to do was to see a sarcophagus in the place where the Egyptians had intended it to spend eternity.

When we broke through that final wall our excitement was almost palpable. Understandably, quite a lot of the team instantly went for the treasure but I only had eyes for one thing. How beautiful it was. I mean, nothing like the brilliantly decorated face of Tutankhamen, but still beautiful.

My admiration turned to fear when the face I was staring at blinked.

Written for Sunday photo fiction

7 thoughts on “SPF: Just a myth

  1. Good story, Angie.
    This week’s howler is, rather critically, in your last sentence, where I suspect the word you want is ‘face’.
    I have stopped laughing, honestly, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

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