FFfAW: Eternal

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Louise with The Storyteller’s Abode. Thank you Louise!

It had been years since my husband had been lost at sea. I had moved on with my life, as was proper, and one day my son wanted to go down to the beach to see the fishermen as they returned home.

When we went along to look at the catch as it was brought ashore I saw something that made my breath hitch in my throat.

My husband’s old pocket watch just sitting in that basket.

The tears began to flow for the first time in many years. It was like the grief had come back to haunt me.

Written for flash fiction for the aspiring writer

32 thoughts on “FFfAW: Eternal

  1. It’s interesting how one tiny seemingly insignificant object can mean so much to someone like this pocket watch does to your main character. This was well-written and did the photo prompt justice.

    Liked by 1 person

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