FFftPP: I know you did



“……. For the thousandth time, I promise you, it wasn’t me!”

I looked down into those imploring eyes only a puppy could have. Well, I knew better of course because I knew exactly what he’d been, back in the day. I was sitting in the armchair and I could see all of the things he’d broken in frustration.

Not that I cared about the petty materialistic things. No, the reason he was a dog was because he’d broken my heart. Nothing he could say would convince me otherwise.

“It doesn’t matter how many times you say it, I know you did it. I’m not going to break the spell.”

Written for flash fiction for the purposeful practitioner

21 thoughts on “FFftPP: I know you did

  1. Oh, I don’t know how you could make him a dog. Dogs are so cute and imploring when they want to be. A boyfriend who cheated, I can think of other animals I would make him. Great story.

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